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How to embed a calendar view on a SharePoint page

Posted on August 4, 2022

I blogged previously on how we can now create a modern calendar view based on Microsoft List. However, the limitation we had for some time was that we could not embed a calendar view on a SharePoint page. We used to have this ability with the older version of SharePoint (SharePoint classic pages), but with the page modernization, this ability disappeared. Luckily, some improvements were made, and I would like to explain how to achieve this to you.

Step 1: Create a Modern Calendar View on a list

The first step is to create a calendar view on a list. It is important to note that the Events app is still not compatible with modern pages, and all you can embed using the Events Web Part is the list of upcoming events, not a calendar view.


The workaround is to create a calendar view on a modern list – please reference this post for instructions.

embed a calendar view


Step 2: Embed a calendar view on a SharePoint page

  1. On the site where the list has been created, click Edit to edit the PageEmbedcalendarviewsharepoint3
  2. Click the “+” sign to add a web part to the page, then choose List from the list of available web partsembed a calendar view
  3. Next, choose the list whose calendar you want to add to the pageEmbedcalendarviewsharepoint5
  4. By default, it will embed a list view. Click the Pencil Icon on the left sidebar to choose an alternate view.embed a calendar view
  5. On the right-hand-side panel, select the Calendar View from Step 1 (in the View drop-down). Click Apply to save the changes.embed a calendar view
  6. Click Republish to publish the page
  7. The Calendar will now be embedded on the pageembed a calendar view

About Me

I’m Greg Zelfond, a U.S. based SharePoint consultant, and I provide affordable out-of-the-box SharePoint consulting, training, and configuration assistance to small and medium-sized businesses all over the world.

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SharePoint Site, Pages and Web Parts

It’s hard to believe, but I first blogged about this topic in 2016. That was right around the time Microsoft announced its plans for SharePoint modernization. Although all three elements…

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