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Client Sites – Separate SharePoint sites or Shared Channels?

Posted on May 23, 2024

As we get more choices to collaborate in SharePoint and Teams, it is inevitable that, at some point, you have to make a decision on which option to pick for a certain use case. One such use case – collaboration with clients. I heard this question from a few clients of mine already. They wondered whether to create a separate SharePoint site when exchanging information with a client or rely on a Shared channel in Teams. In this article, I would like to list the pros and cons of each option and make some recommendations.

Option 1: A separate SharePoint site for client information sharing

The first option that we kind had forever is the creation of a separate SharePoint site. The idea is that you would have an existing SharePoint site for a project or perhaps even a Microsoft Team, and any time you would need to exchange information with the client in a secure fashion – you would just create a separate SharePoint site for external sharing and collaboration.

Separate SharePoint sites or Shared Channels?


  • Good option if you do not work within the Teams eco-system and just have a SharePoint Site for internal collaboration
  • Good option if you are looking to customize the look and feel of a Client site (logo, design, layout)
  • Good option if you would like to have custom permissions or have client access on a read-only basis


  • A site is disconnected and is completely independent from the internal site

Option 2: A shared channel within the existing Team

Most of the collaboration these days occurs in Microsoft Teams, so another option for collaboration with the client would be to create a Shared Channel in an existing Team. What’s interesting bout this option is that, technically, it is very similar to Option 1 – when you create a Shared channel – it does create a separate SharePoint site, independent of a site created by the main Team (Microsoft 365 Group).

Separate SharePoint sites or Shared Channels?


  • A better option if you already heavily use Teams eco-system
  • Seamless interaction between internal channels and shared channels
  • A better option if you also would like to chat with the client in addition to file collaboration


  • External sharing for the Shared channels requires a bit of a technical setup in the backend
  • Not a good option if you want to customize the SharePoint side of things or have custom permissions for a SharePoint site, as the site created by a Shared channel has limited capabilities (compared to a regular SharePoint site)

About Me

I’m Greg Zelfond, a U.S. based SharePoint consultant, and I provide affordable out-of-the-box SharePoint consulting, training, and configuration assistance to small and medium-sized businesses all over the world.

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