Best ways to learn SharePoint
My clients and loyal followers often ask me about the best ways to learn SharePoint. The question is definitely a valid one. SharePoint is not your typical application – it is a monster! Ever since it was released in 2001, it underwent several transformations. At some point along the way (2016, to be precise), it was turned on its head when its user interface and the whole concept of information architecture were changed 180 degrees. Not to mention its integration with other Microsoft Applications and Microsoft 365 Groups. On top of that, Microsoft releases new features and updates more often than your boss asks you to work overtime.
Long story short, learning SharePoint can be a challenge. Watching a YouTube tutorial or reading a blog post does not guarantee anything since the interface could have been updated, or the feature could even be deprecated. So, I thought I would summarize what, in my opinion, the best options are to learn SharePoint given the current landscape.
Tip # 1: Start Using It
I always recommend this to my clients as the first course of action: Start using SharePoint. Make mistakes. That’s the only way you will learn. I am not saying you should not have formal training, but it would be far better to attend the training and be prepared with the right questions.
Tip # 2: Become a SharePoint Junkie
To immerse yourself into the world of SharePoint, you need to become a SharePoint junkie. Get familiar with as many features as possible via blogs and videos. I try to maintain a relatively up-to-date Blog, which you are reading now. Same with the YouTube Channel. There are obviously many other great bloggers and YouTubers doing great SharePoint and Microsoft 365 content. Become their regular reader and subscriber!
Tip # 3: Attend Live Training
Now, this is by far the best Return on Investment in terms of user adoption and learning experience. The truth is that blog articles and videos are only accurate as of their published date. Sometimes, I would publish a YouTube tutorial on a topic only to find out that something has changed already six months later.
In this case, Live training is the best option as it will be accurate and cover the latest and greatest content. Not to mention, you can ask your trainer questions right there in live format.
I myself offer a large selection of live training courses to my clients. You can check out all the options here.
Tip # 4: Sign up for on-demand Training
Work happens, and sometimes, attending a live training session might not be an option for everyone. In this case, some sort of on-demand training is the way to go. Compared to blog posts and YouTube videos, it might offer a more structured approach to training. Of course, with this option, you risk that some content might be outdated. I do offer a large selection of on-demand courses as well.
Tip # 5: Stay up to date on upcoming changes
The best defense is offense. To prepare yourself for upcoming changes, it would be great to stay up to date on the new features around the corner. I recommend several options:
- Read Messages within the Microsoft 365 Admin Center
- Subscribe to The 365 Message Center Show/Podcast
- Subscribe to the Intrazone by Microsoft podcast